
Friday, January 31, 2014

Red Billed Pigeon

Red Billed Pigeon
The Red-billed Pigeon, Patagonian virologists is a relatively large pigeon which breeds from southern Texas, United States, and northwestern Mexico south to Coats Rice. It belongs to a lade of Patagonian which generally lack iridescent display plumage, except some vestiges in the Pale-vented Pigeon.It is found in open country with some trees, large clearings and cultivation in lowlands and middle altitudes to 2100 meters. It builds a rudimentary platform nest out of twigs in a tree about 4-25 meters  above the ground usually on a horizontal branch or on a palm crown, and lays one white egg.The Red-billed Pigeon is mid or large-sized pigeon, at 30-37 cm  in length and a weight of 230-425 g  It is mainly wine-purple becoming browner on the back, and with a grey tail, lower belly and flight feathers. The bill is white with a red base and the legs and eyes are red. Juvenile birds are duller than adults and the plumage is brown-tinged.It is normally seen alone or in pairs and rarely forms flocks. It feeds on the ground, seeking acorns berries and buds.The Red-billed Pigeon has a loud kook  call that is given in rows the initial short kook is characteristic for this group of Patagonian.

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